that wa-- fu- you are fucking laugh-out-loud funny.
Fuck this internet bullshit, you are real-life funny.
I use Adobe Flash CS4 to make my Flash cartoons.
Age 38, Male
Joined on 9/16/01
that wa-- fu- you are fucking laugh-out-loud funny.
Fuck this internet bullshit, you are real-life funny.
other people-- like, most people get the regular comments like "oh lol this is so funny" "oh lmao hilarious", fuckin XD n all that shit n I'm like yeah whatever whadev
people laugh at crap on the internet, yknow, you know how it is
but you ask me bout that EGORAPTOR kid; fuckinn-... THAT GUY is a comedian.
Throw out yr youtube, throw out ya reddit, ffuckin.. whatever's... trending twitter, trendin... trendin the tweets... this week. i dont giv a shit.
Cos that guy Egoraptor- is REAL. LIFE. FUNNY. THAT'S WHAT'S UP!!
This is your single best animation thus far.
I did enjoy it. Oh, I did enjoy it so hard.
I loved how the tone of the entire 'toon changed halfway through.
Great stuff... So uh.. any news on the contest winner of the girlchan... program? Because, you know, I could really use that new scooter or whatever..
Ya know what would be really awesome? If ya stopped rehashing the same old horse manure and came up with a new idea already
girlchan4... @$% yay! Can't wait to see that pile of crap
One of the better Awesome cartoons IMO. Great work. It kind of reminded me of Girlchan though because of the deadpan, so now I'm really hyped for another Girlchan episode.
queer you stole my whole movie and slapped a big old "Arin is funny" shirt on it and now bitches cream for my movie but with your faggy hair all over it.
by the way, i dont have your lunch money. come get it later
hehe looks like you throw yourself with a bunch of WIPS that you cant even know wich one to work on now....Just like me O_o
I choose Bulbasaur. I'm the 1 %.
nice work!
also nice to hear you planed on more animations, I'm really lookin forward to Sequelitis if you consider working on that but the other ones sound great as well.
sigh , how many times am i going to have to tell you to get started on metal gear awesome 3?
i luub u man <3 freaking hilirauoususususssz
"I thought you said you spent 4 days on it?"
lol the same could be implied about TOME
José u so cray-cray.
FUCK YOU! Do the next Girlchan.
Your stuff is awesome man, hence the name naturally. But if you make a Mass Effect one of these, (Awesome Effect?) that would be like the greatest thing ever! That series is ripe for hilarious cartoon parodies and the Internet is sadly lacking such.
I swear, seeing your take on such an awesome game (yet another reason you should totally do that) would probably make me explode laughing, probably literally. Which would also be awesome. So much awesome and so little time. Either way, your stuff is always great, keep it up dude. Peace.
Justpickoneand DO IT!
PokeAwesome was pretty good..