Afro-Ninja and I are getting close to the end (though I don't want to step on my foot!!) of working on Puzzmosis... and it looks like immediately afterward I'll be moving on to doing some movies pretty frequently. Yes!!!
A big focus after this is going to be voice acting, though. I'll most likely be opening up my services for VA work after all of this is out and I'm settled back in (I plan a trip to Florida when I finish). Really, I never stopped voice acting for others, it's just I have an outdated demo and people apparently think I'm too good to ask or something. I'd feel wrong going back into voice acting without a formal demo or anything, so I'm going to make a really nice up to date demo. Yippeedoodle!
Hope all is well folks. Only a little while longer!
As long as you're done with the "Awesome" series and that you will start doing some interesting stuff, all's for the better :)
There will probably be some awesome cartoons in the bunch but there will definitely be cartoons aside from that, probably more than the awesome toons. Either way I want to kinda harken back to the original MGA if I do some awesome toons in terms of timing and delivery, not necessarily animation :p